
Group photo of ICPS 2019, Cologne, Germany. IAPS

Who can participate?

The event is meant for students of physics/astrophysics. More specifically, you need to be a member of the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS).

How can I join IAPS?

You can find a detailed information about IAPS membership here. To give you a short summary, you will need to do either of the two options:

  • Find out if IAPS already has a National Committe (NC) or a Local Committee (LC) representing your country or university (the full list of committees can be found here), contact the respective organisation and ask to join. You will automatically become a member of IAPS.
  • If there is none, you can always join as an Individual Member (IM).

Do I need to join IAPS before filling out the registration form?

No, you don't. You can still register for ICPS 2024 and worry about your membership in parallel. We will go through the student registrations and ask IAPS NCs and LCs for confirmation. If you are not a member by then, we will make sure to connect you to them.

Is there a participation fee?

Yes, there is a participation fee of 200 Euros per student. This includes accommodation, catering, transportation services within Georgia, excursions, events, etc... basically, the whole conference.

It is worth mentioning that while the participation fee includes all of the conference services, it most certainly does not cover it. Our event is made possible by the support of our partners and sponsors about which you can find out here.

Do I need to present a talk/poster?

Student presentations and poster sessions are the integral part of our conference. While you don't have to, it's most certainly encouraged to take active participation. Please, note that even if we don't strictly require you to present, your university might (if they are funding you).

How can I get funding for the conference?

Keep track of ongoing grants here.

We would also suggest you to:

  1. Ask your university. Most universities have available funding for such financial support.
  2. If you are a member of a research group, ask your supervisor about it. Most research positions come with conference budget.
  3. Look out for external funding opportunities. This can be either something from your geographic location or something international, like the jIAPS article contest.

When are the deadlines for registration?

  • The deadline for the late registration is on June 16, 2024 23:59 GMT+4.
  • The deadline for payment for the late registration is on June 23, 2024. We should receive the payment until (including) this day.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is on June 23, 2024 23:59 GMT+4.

Where can I find the registration form?

Well, there is a shiny, orange button on top... but we don't mind prioritizing your convenience over design principles and giving you another one down here:


We hope to meet you this summer in Tbilisi!