"What is gravity?"
Gia Dvali

Black Holes & Dark Matter Large Extra Dimensions Particle Physics Quantum Gravity

Georgi (Gia) Dvali is a Georgian theoretical physicist. He is a professor of theoretical physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, and holds a Silver Professorship Chair at the New York University. His research interests include String theory, Extra dimensions, Quantum gravity, and the Early universe. Dvali is considered to be one of the world's leading experts in the field of particle physics. Among his many contributions stand his pioneering works on Large extra dimensions and the DGP model of modified gravity. Dvali received New York City's Mayor's Award for Excellence in Science and Technology in 2000. Dvali is a recipient of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation's Packard Fellowship, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellowship, and the Humboldt Professorship (2008). 1 2

"Quantum Algorithms for Particle Physics"
Lena Funcke

Machine Learning Phenomenology Quantum Computing

Lena Funcke is a theoretical physicist and junior professor at the University of Bonn in Germany. Her research focuses on two complementary approaches to tackle the fundamental open problems of the Standard Model of particle physics. First, she develops new models beyond the Standard Model and studies the phenomenological implications, focusing on neutrino masses and the strong CP problem. Second, she advances and applies computational methods to study strongly coupled quantum field theories, based on lattice field theory, tensor networks, deep learning, and quantum computing. While many of these methods currently focus on lower-dimensional theories, the long-term goal is to apply them to the (3+1)-dimensional Standard Model and beyond. 3

"Space weather predictions: state of the art and challenges"
Stefaan Poedts

Plasma Astrophysics Space Weather

Stefaan Poedts is a Belgian applied mathematician and full professor at the Catholic University of Leuven, where he works in the Plasma-Astrophysics division of the Department of Mathematics. He specializes in studying space weather that has a large socio-economic impact as it affects our technology on which we are increasingly dependent. Stefaan Poedts has been chairman of the European Solar Physics Division and chair of ESA 's Space Weather Working Team (SWWT). Since November 2023 he is the President of the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association (E-SWAN), an international non-profit association established in 2022 with the mission to unite, sustain, and develop Space Weather and Space Climate activities in Europe. Prof Poedts is the Holder of ERC Advanced Grant “Open SESAME” (2024-2029). 4

"Symmetries and Phenomenology of Strings"
Anamaria Font

String Theory Supersymmetry

Anamaría Font Villarroel is a Venezuelan theoretical physicist and professor of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Her research has been focused on models about the primordial components of matter in the context of string theory. Font has contributed to development of Calabi–Yau dimensional compactification and she introduced the concept of S-duality to superstring theory, contributing to the second superstring revolution. In 2023, she was added to the BBC's 100 Women list. In 1998, she was awarded, jointly with Fernando Quevedo, the ICTP Prize in the field of High Energy Physics (in honour of Chen Ning Yang). In 2023, Font was awarded the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, representing Latin America. 5

"The Atomic Nucleus as a Quantum Laboratory"
Ulf-G. Meißner

Effective Field Theory Nuclear Physics Quantum Chromodynamics

Ulf-G Meißner is Professor in Theoretical Physics at Bonn University, Germany and Director at the Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. His research focuses on strong interaction physics, especially nuclear and particle physics. He was awarded the Lise-Meitner prize of the European Physical Society and the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received an honorary doctorate from the Ivane Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi (TSU), Georgia in August, 2018. 6

"Emergent Laws of Physics and Biological Simplicity"
Ilya Nemenman

Learning and Adaptation Neuroscience Theoretical Biophysics

Ilya Mark Nemenman is a theoretical physicist at Emory University, where he is a Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Physics and Biology. He is known for his studies of information processing in biological systems, from molecular to neural. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Simons Investigator, and James S. McDonnell Foundation Complex Systems Scholar. He served in the Chair Line of the Division of Biological Physics of the American Physical Society. He is a founder of the q-bio conference, organizer of regular international theoretical biophysics schools, and is a general member of the Aspen Center for Physics. 7

"Time-Reversal Symmetry-Breaking in Charge-Ordered Kagome-Lattice Systems Probed with Muon Spin Rotation"
Zurab Guguchia

Magnetic Semiconductors Superconductivity and Magnetism Weyl Semimetals

Zurab Guguchia is a Georgian scientist currently working in Switzerland. His research area lies mainly within material science. His research and publications on superconductors, magnetism and several other topics have awarded him with many prestigious prizes in Switzerland as well as Georgia. 8

"The revolution of quantum technologies: from quantum computing to cryptography"

Condensed Matter Physics

Giuliano CHIRIACÒ is an Italian scientist working as a researcher in theoretical condensed matter physics at Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia of the University of Catania. His current research interests include the non-equilibrium dynamics of entanglement in quantum systems, the properties of light matter systems, and the non-Markovian and noisy dynamics of many-body systems. 9

"Journey towards the Sun: how modern space missions are revolutionising solar physics"
Adam J. Finley

Astrophysics Heliophysics

Adam J. Finley is a British astrophysicist currently based in Paris, France. His research focuses on the atmospheres of stars like the Sun, which are heated to millions of degrees and subsequently escape in the form of stellar winds. He is currently investigating the heating of the solar atmosphere and the generation of magnetic flux inside Sun-like stars, using numerical simulations. He has also been assessing long-term trends in the Sun’s magnetic activity, from persistent active longitudes to the role of coronal holes in sculpting the solar wind. 10

"Tennis Ball Towers: startling structures made of frictious spheres"
Andria Rogava

Astrophysics Hydrodynamics Plasma Physics Relativity

Andria Rogava is a Georgian theoretical physicist who obtained his PhD in ‘Physical processes in the inner region of black hole accretion disc’. He has worked as a research scientist at Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory for 20 years. He has worked at Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics KU Leuven, University of Turin, Turin Astronomical Observatory. He is a professor at Ilia State university since 2009. He is a co-founder of The Institute for Theoretical Physics at this university. His research interests are High Energy Astrophysics, Plasma physics and Philosophical Problems of Physics. 11